UASU Student Group Awards
The UASU Student Group Awards recognize the accomplishments and contributions of student groups that provide leadership and development opportunities for undergraduate students, engaging them outside of the classroom. Student groups make up a huge portion of student life at the University of Alberta, and provide services, community, and friendship to students in amazing ways each year.
To be eligible for these awards, a student group must be recognized by the UASU. To check the status of your student group's recognition, Click Here!

Student groups can be nominated for up to two (2) of the Student Group Awards listed on the application form.
- Read the descriptions of the Student Group Awards below.
- Complete the application for UASU Student Group Awards, which will be made available at
To submit your application, you will need the following documents. Please submit all supporting documents in PDF format.
- One (1) document outlining how your group meets the award requirements (max. 1000 words or 2 pages, whichever comes first).
- Minimum of one (1) or a maximum of two (2) reference letters (max. 500 words or 1 page, whichever comes first).
- Minimum of one (1) or a maximum of two (2) supporting documents. Examples can include but are not limited to: event posters/advertisements, statistic reports, or anything else you feel is relevant to your award application.
Format of the document outlining your group's involvement:
- 11 point Times New Roman font
- 1 inch margins on all sides
- 1000 words or 2 pages maximum, whichever comes first.
- 1.5 line spacing
This award is given to the student group that has made the greatest overall effort to involve both its members and our University in the local and/or international community through volunteering, events, and other outreach. Applications should include examples of community service activities the group participated in, and demonstrate how these activities align with the purposes and values of the group. Furthermore, applications should detail the skills participating members learned through these outreach activities.
Value of Award: 1 award of $625 each/every year
- Must be a registered student group recognized by the Students' Union.
This award is presented to the group responsible for the planning and running of an event that is deemed to have made a great contribution to the University environment. Applications should demonstrate how the event benefited the campus community beyond the student group. Other important details to include: how members of the group were involved in the planning phases, and the skills group members developed through planning and/or attendance at said event.
Value of Award: 1 award of $625 each/every year
- Must be a registered student group recognized by the Students' Union. Event must have been reviewed and approved by the Dean of Students' SERM Coordinator as per the regulations on student group events.
This award is given to a group in their first year of operations that has the most potential to make an impact on the campus community. This competition is open to all newly-recognized student groups from the 2022-23 school year (May 2022-April 2023). Applications should detail the intended outcomes or goals of the group, involvement opportunities available to group members, and the kinds of supports or resources offered to members. In addition, future projects or initiatives for the upcoming year and membership engagement in the group should be addressed.
Value of Award: 1 award of $750 each/every year
- Must be a registered student group recognized by the Students' Union.
- Initial (first time) student group recognition must have been granted by SGS between May 2022 and April 2023.
This award is presented to the group that has made the greatest overall contribution to University life and has made a positive difference in the lives of its members. This student group has gone above and beyond in demonstrating the values of the Students’ Union: Do what’s right, not what’s easy; Inspire change for the world; Act with unbridled compassion; Always keep moving; Plan for tomorrow. Applications should demonstrate membership engagement and involvement opportunities available to group members. In addition, the application should address how your group has benefited the campus community and the skills group members gain from their involvement with your group.
Value of Award: 1 award of $625 each/every year
- Must be a registered student group recognized by the Students' Union.
This award is presented to the group that has made significant progress over the year by advancing their mandate, increasing membership, developing resources and more. In addition to the application, student groups MUST provide a supplementary report detailing progress from last year; promotion techniques, events held or planning to hold, comparison of repeated events, resources acquisition etc.
Value of Award: 1 award of $1000 each/every year
- Include a report detailing progress from last year; promotion techniques, events held or planning to hold, comparison of repeated events, resources acquisition etc.
- Must be registered with Student Group Services, recognized by the Students' Union.
Established to recognize Student Group executives who go above and beyond the expectations of their position. They often spearhead events, gather required resources, introduce different recruitment strategies and much more, while maintaining the groups dynamic and ability to progress. Please apply for this award as one (1) of your individual awards and not as the representative of a student group. This Award will count as one of the three Involvement Awards you can apply for in the current cycle.
Value of Award: 1 award of $1000 each/every year
- Must be an executive member of a group registered with Student Group Services recognized by the Students' Union.
- Include a reference letter detailing critical involvement in the group's operations.