Information for Candidates
Considering running in the next election? Find all the information you’ll need below.
2025/2026 Important Dates
General Election
Election Nomination Deadline
Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 P.M.
Council and GFC Elections
The Election Nomination Deadline
Monday, March 10th at 6:00 P.M.
2025 General Election Nomination Package
Nominate yourself! Run in the 2025/2025 General Election and be the voice of students.
2025 Nomination Package Sections
File your completed Forms
Upload your completed nomination package forms here. Your nomination is not complete until all forms and the $50 deposit are received.
There are typically three elections throughout the year:
October: Fall By-Election
- Election to fill vacancies on:
- UASU Students' Council
- The highest governing body of the Students' Union. This council has ultimate decision-making authority over all aspects of the organization.
- General Faculties Council
- The academic legislative body of the University of Alberta. This council deals with all academic matters and student affairs issues (as set out in the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act). It is the highest level at which academic decisions are made, and is chaired by the President of the University of Alberta.
- UASU Students' Council
Early March: Students' Union Executive Committee/Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative Election
- Election to fill the positions:
- UASU Executive Committee
- President: Acts as the primary spokesperson for the Students’ Union.
- VP Academic: Advocates for students' interests within the University community and beyond.
- VP External: Responsible for Students' Union government and community relations.
- VP Operations and Finance: Responsible for managing the UASU's $14 million budget.
- VP Student Life: Responsible for university-related non-academic issues
- Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative
- Acts as a voice for the undergraduate student body on the University of Alberta Board of Governors, the ultimate decision making authority of the university.
- Plebiscite and/or Referenda questions, if any, occur during this election.
- UASU Executive Committee
Late March: Students' Council (SC)/General Faculties Council (GFC) Elections
- Election of councillors from the various faculties to either Students' Council or the General Faculties Council.
As a candidate, make sure you’re following all of the rules regarding campaigning, your budget, complaints, appeals, etc. written in the following bylaws:
If you are looking to fill a vacancy after an election, consider the vacancy petition process. Vacancy petitions will remain open until February 13th at 6:00 PM for the 2024/2025 year.
Contact Information
Chief Returning Officer
Room 0-68 B SUB