Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Marketing's graphic design Studio is professionally-staffed and works exclusively for SU clients. It is responsible for much of the “look and feel” of the SU, and for maintaining the SU brand. Every year the Studio creates a remarkably broad body of work, from brand new logos to the annual Student Handbook.

The image on the right is our latest "A Year in Review" poster. Each year we select a small sample of the studio's work and create a poster. It's less than 15% of the work we do in a year, but it still gives you a great idea of the designers' range and skills and creativity.

Part of the Marketing and Communications department, the studio can work with you on a one-off basis to get a poster designed, or we can help you develop a marketing plan for a semester, or a whole year.

For example, every year we start working with Orientation in November to help plan their campaigns, which culminate the following September... and most weeks we're helping someone create an advert for SUTV.

We're here to help. And because we are responsible for maintaining the UASU brand, use of marketing's graphic design services is mandatory for SU departments, for material that will be in front of students. So if you looking for graphic design help, get in touch with us.

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Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7