VP Academic
Pedro Almeida VP Academic

Pedro (he/him) is your UASU Vice President Academic. He was born in Brazil and is now a Science student studying Immunology & Infection. Over the past year, Pedro has represented the student body in the University of Alberta Senate, as well as undergone other volunteer experiences in the University community, such as the Peer-Assisted-Learning Program (PAL), as a PAL Teaching Assistant. Through his position, Pedro wants to empower students to pursue the change necessary to improve students’ experiences at the University of Alberta.

During his term, Pedro wants to work to promote the University for mandatory Indigenous course content, for an expansion of the Zero Textbook Cost program and for greater adoption of hybrid learning across our three campuses. Pedro also wants to advocate for greater access to supports for students as well as greater access to buildings on campus. Furthermore, he wants to push for reevaluation of our embedded certificate application process, current academic integrity policies and improve the experience of students in work-integrated-learning terms. Besides these, Pedro wants to ensure there is consistent communication between the UASU and different student associations on campus, in order to be certain that the academic priorities of students are met.

Outside of governance, Pedro loves sports and spending time with his friends. Feel free to reach out to pedro.almeida@uasu.ca if you have any questions, academic concerns or if you just want to chat about the NBA finals!

Duties of the VP Academic

The Vice-President Academic is responsible for all advocacy related to academic issues at the University of Alberta. This position sits on many board and committees, including the Students' Union Policy Committee, the General Faculties Council, multiple GFC standing committees and subcommittees, the Council of Faculty Associations and its working groups and more. It works closely with all of the student faculty and department associations to ensure that students receive the best possible education at the University of Alberta.

Le.la vice-président.e aux affaires académiques est responsable de toutes les activités de représentation liées aux questions académiques à l'Université de l'Alberta. Il ou elle siège à de nombreux conseils et comités, notamment le comité d'orientation de l'Union des étudiants, le General Faculties Council, de nombreux comités et sous-comités permanents du GFC, le Council of Faculty Associations et ses groupes de travail, etc. Il.elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec toutes les associations d'étudiants, de professeurs et de départements afin de s'assurer que les étudiants reçoivent la meilleure éducation possible à l'Université de l'Alberta.

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Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7