Goals & Objectives

Goals & Objectives

Overall Project Goal

To reduce the incidents of gender based violence and sexual violence on University campus and communities we serve.

Project Objective

To develop and strengthen the skills of individuals on campus and within the community, working in partnership with individuals of all genders, to identify and respond to issues of gender-based violence on campus and within our community.

Planned Outcomes

  • To engage project partners – specifically young male leaders in sport and greek/fraternity life as allies in ending gender based violence and sexual assault in our communities.
  • To increase awareness among project participants of the issue of gender-based violence, sexual violence, and its impact on our campus and within our community.
  • To increase awareness among project participants of gaps in services and programs.
  • To increase knowledge about gender based violence and sexual violence among project ?participants.
  • To change attitudes about violence and abuse towards marginalized genders and identities ?among participants.
  • To develop and promote an engagement model for student/community leaders and programs with respect to gender based violence issues identified in our community.
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