
Day 47 - "Work, Learn, Earn" the [Business] Co-op Experience and To do lists/Goals document - July 5, 2013

Josh Le - Fri Oct 04, 2013

Day 47 - "Work, Learn, Earn" the [Business] Co-op Experience and To do lists/Goals document - July 5, 2013

Top: I'm a student at the Alberta School of Business. I'm almost done my course load butI have two Co-op terms left. I talked to the Business Co-op Office as I was preparing for my elections back in February and it turns out the VPOF position is eligible for Co-op. I'm now using my role as VPOF for Co-op. There are a variety of course and project requirements associated with Co-op, so I'm excited to further apply my academic knowledge into the role. The Co-op office is starting a new video series, called “Work, Learn, Earn – The Co-op Experience” which will allow students to talk about the value they find in doing Co-op, and any great experiences or opportunities from their work terms. Kirsten, a fellow BCom who's doing her Co-op at the Business Co-op Office, came to film a 2-3 minute video at my office in SUB 2-900, so keep an eye out for it!

Bottom: I'm learning to effectively task out my day, and one method that's working for me is the ever-trusty to-do list! There's something very satisfying about crossing off a completed task, and I'd recommend them if you don't use them already. One of my biggest tasks is completing my Goals Document for the year. The document is currently my Everest. It's quite a task planning and simplifying everything you want to complete in one year (10 month, at this point), so I'm going slowly with the hope of creating a comprehensive document that is both ambitious and realistic. I look forward to crossing off this document from the list and adding more tasks to cross off from my Goals Document.

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