
Day 40 - Meeting a legend, Peter Meekison, and Cram Dunk coffee now avaialble at L'Express - June 25, 2013

Josh Le - Fri Oct 04, 2013

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Top: The Exec ran into Peter Meekison after he and Petros met in 2-900. It was a cool moment at the end of the day to hear stories from his time in University Governance wearing many different hats (Associate Dean at the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research , VP Academic of the U of A, and more). You can learn more about him here:

Bottom: The coffee from Cram Dunk is now temporarily located in L'Express until the new SUB coffee shop is built. The SU promises to always have coffee available in SUB, so this is the solution for now. It's neat having the food and beverages all under one roof. Oh, the possibilities.

Notables: William and I met with Ian Reade, Director of Athletics, and Vang, Associate Athletic Director, Sport Development to discuss the Golden Bear and Panda Legacy Fund. This meeting stems from an issue surrounding a Dedicated Fee Unit, the Golden Bear and Panda Legacy Fund, and how the field hockey team was cut two years ago. We're looking to a fair solution, but it's requiring a bit more work from both ends to make that happen. One thing I highly appreciate are the vast archives containing documents from long ago. It takes a bit of digging to learn what happened in the past, but we have good records showing us what happened long ago.

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