
Day 10: PAW means Physical, Activity, and Wellness Centre. – May 17

Josh Le - Fri May 17, 2013

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Top: The other big project going on this term is the PAW Centre. You've probably noticed Van Vliet and the Butterdome's been under construction since October and it's slated to be completed by September 2014. The project is estimated to cost $60 million and the SU is contributing $30 million of that sum. Among other things, William and I are working together to determine the direction of the community kitchen. The space is already allocated for the kitchen, but it's the SU's role to outfit the kitchen and determine its identity and function. Any suggestions?

Bottom-left: I'm not graduating this semester, but I get to attend convocation. It seems like I get certain privileges as an SU Exec. I won't divulge any details, but look out for amusing updates during the June updates.

Bottom-right: I learned about the SU's social media strategies this morning from our superstar Senior Manager Marketing & Communications and our Digital Media Coordinator. I'm looking forward to collaborating with the Marketing team for a successful communications strategy. TIL (Today I Learned) the quote "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish," didn't originate from Steve Jobs! Steve Jobs quoted it from Stewart Brand and the Whole Earth Catalog's final edition farewell message. The Whole Earth Catalog was like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along. Our Senior Manager Marketing and Communications likes to collect quotes and I really enjoyed going through his collection in his office.

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