VP Operations and Finance
Levi Flaman VP Operations & Finance

Levi Flaman (he/him) is your UASU Vice President Operations & Finance. A fourth year Bachelor of Commerce student, Levi is majoring in East Asian Business Studies with a minor in Business Economics & Law. Throughout his degree, he has been involved in various capacities around campus, including working at InfoLink; volunteering with Orientation & Week of Welcome, Safewalk and International Student Services; and being elected to Students’ Council, General Faculties Council and the Board of Governors.

Levi’s platform largely centers around affordability. During his term, he hopes to band together with other student associations to increase our purchasing power, to reduce costs for goods and services the organization spends money on. He will also focus on bolstering the UASU’s non-student revenue streams to reduce reliance on student revenue such as membership fees and prices in our businesses (Daily Grind, Dewey’s, Room at the Top, and Balmoral Lounge). He is also working to secure more student discount opportunities for our members on and off campus.

Outside of academic and extracurricular activities, Levi spends his free time playing video games or watching East Asian films and television shows. If you have any recommendations, send them his way! Get in touch via email at levi.flaman@uasu.ca.

Duties of the VP Operations and Finance

The Vice-President Operations & Finance (also known as the "VP Ops Fi") oversees the SU's $11 million annual budget, and is responsible for the strategy and operations at the SU's many businesses, including Dewey's, Room at the Top, the Daily Grind, SUBprint and more. This position also oversees the operation of the Students' Union Building, including tenancy agreements, and sits on a variety of committees and boards related to the dispersal of Dedicated Fee Units.

Le/la vice-président.e des opérations et des finances (également connu sous le nom de " VP Ops Fi ") supervise le budget annuel de 11 millions de dollars du SU et est responsable de la stratégie et des opérations des nombreux commerces du SU, notamment Dewey's, Room at the Top, the Daily Grind, SUBprint et plus encore. Il/elle supervise également l'exploitation de l'immeuble de l'Union des étudiants, y compris les contrats de location, et siège à divers comités et conseils liés à la répartition des unités de frais dédiés.

Reports to Students' Council

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Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7