Candidates for Vice President (Academic)

The Vice President (Academic) or 'VPA' represents students on a wide range of academic issues. Students often contact the VPA for help finding and connecting with the right resources in difficult academic circumstances, so the VPA has a role in advocating for students both individually and collectively. The VPA sits on many governance bodies, committees, and working groups with the aim of improving students' academic experience. The VPA works closely with the offices of the Provost and the Registrar, both for advocacy and to shape collective initiatives. The VPA is the UASU's primary point of contact with Faculty Associations, the student representative groups in each faculty. Working with the President, the VPA can often be the UASU's spokesperson to the public and the media on student academic issues.

The candidates for the [YEAR] UASU Election for Vice President Academic are:


[Candidate Name]

[insert candidate photo here]

[paste candidate bio here, max 250 words]

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Students' Union Elections Office
Room 0-68 B
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7